Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yoga Squats

These are some squats (courtesy of my yoga teaching friend). Try to do 3-5 sets.

Start with legs hip width or wider apart, keep feet in line with knees so feet are probably pointing slightly outwards as you squat down and arms comfortable at your sides.

This is how you do these yoga squats:

1. Inhale arms out to the sides and overhead, bring palms together, fingers pointing upwards.
2. Exhale, squat down as you slide the arms down so that hands are in front of chest, keeping palms together (you should be in your squat at the end of your exhale).***
3. Inhale, stand back up with arms overhead (if needed you can place the hands on the ground to help push up).
4. Continue, inhaling and exhaling, up and down, do at least 15.

***Note: you can add a kegal squeeze while you're in the squat, so I would stay in the squat, take a breath while you do a kegal exercise, then continue from #1 again, coming up on the inhale.

Make it count!

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