Saturday, September 13, 2008

Emergency Legsit Only

OK, legs. Here we go.

Standing straight, chair in front of you in case you need balance support, put you weight on your left leg and raise you right foot off the ground one inch. Lift right leg out sideways as far as you can go without slouching body to the side, keeping bum and abs tight. Lower down. Do 30-50 reps without putting foot on the ground. (You will feel a lot of this in your standing leg as well!)

Shake legs out, switch sides.

Shake legs out. Now, spread your feet about 3 inches past shoulder width apart. Turn toes out, as if you were a ballerina. Squat down keeping bum turned under. Place hands either lightly on your knees or hold them out front (again, think ballerina). Stay in the squat position for 1 MINUTE! Carefully stand back up and stretch your legs.

Repeat the above 2-3 times.

Yay! You did it!

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