Friday, September 26, 2008

Animal Arms

Don't hate me for this one but you are going to feel silly....

Walking in place, bring your elbows to shoulder level, hands tucked into your armpits (like you are doing the chicken dance!) Slowly uncurl arms out to either side, squeezing triceps and then bring them back under your pits. Do this in a smooth controlled movement for ONE FULL MINUTE! (Use light weights if you must but you will feel this even without them.)

Shake out arms and let them hang at either side of your body. Still walking in place bring elbows up to shoulder level and hands into armpits and then slowly back down (kind of like a monkey!) Do this for one minute.

Shake out your arms and let's flap our wings! Do one full minute of jumping jack arms, slow and controlled.

Repeat each exercise 2-4 times and then top off with as many push-ups as you can do.

Let's show 'em you're a tiger! Hee hee...


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