Friday, September 19, 2008

Arm Alarm

Ok, arms. Ever read the book, "Are you there God, it's Me Margaret?" It was a great book for the pre-teen girl about a girl who wasn't developing breasts fast enough (shoot: Are you there God, it's me Karen?!) Today's exercise is reminiscent of that book....

Standing with legs apart and arms out to the side, bend your elbows to 90 degree angles and bring arms together, almost to touching, and then back out, keeping the bend in your elbow. Really work on stretching out the chest on the way back out too. (You can use light weights, or grocery products, for resistance if you need to.) Do one full minute, remembering not to let momentum carry you. (This is about 30-50 reps.)

Now, bring arms straight down to side, palms facing forward. Squat partially down (not a full squat!) and lean forward slightly. Squeeze your shoulder blades together so that your arms are back behind you a bit. Squeeze your triceps. Keeping your upper arm still and tight against your body, curl your arms so that your hands come to your shoulders then take them back behind you again, squeezing those triceps. Do one full minute! (Again, use light weights if you feel the need.)

Repeat both exercise 3-4 times.

Make it count!

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