Sunday, September 14, 2008

Abbey Road

Abs and core work. Let's go!

Get on your back, knees bent and together. Arms should be laying on ground down next to you. Lift shoulders and head off the ground by tightening ab muscles. Try to keep chin to chest so your neck doesn't stress too much. Lift your hands slightly off the ground. Very SLOWLY pick toes off the ground and roll your knees in SLOWLY toward your chest. SLOWLY roll toes back down, barely touching ground. Repeat...make it slow and make it count. Do 16 reps. (This won't feel like too much but it will work your abs and core!)

Turn over onto your right side. Lay your head on your right arm. Bend your knees so that you look like you could be sitting in a chair (only you are laying on your side...) Straighten your left arm, over your legs and lift head and right shoulder slightly up. Pulse your left arm over your legs, tightening the side of your body. Again, this is a very slight, tiny movement but it will work you! Do 16-20 reps. Relax down. Now do the same movement but with your left leg straightened out, hovering above the ground.

Switch sides.

Repeat all 3 exercises 2-3 times.

Make it count!!!

"Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
but she doesn't have a lot to say
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
but she changes from day to day"
(From "Her Majesty" on the Beatles album Abbey Road)

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