Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Today we will strengthen our arms.

Start by laying on your tummy, hands under your shoulders and feet together. Push yourself up to Plank pose so only feet and hands are touching ground. Make sure abs are engaged so that back is straight and does not droop. Hold for 20 seconds then lift your left foot an inch off the ground, holding for 10 seconds. Switch legs and hold another 10. Now bring yourself slowly down to the ground, holding for 10 seconds when you get about an inch from the floor.

Roll over and curl into a ball for a few seconds.

Repeat 5 times.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Peg Legs

Good afternoon and a very, happy Monday to you all!

Legs today, yay!

Standing in front of chair about a legs length away, your back towards the seat of the chair, put the top of your left foot on the chair, knee slightly bent. Bring your weight to your right leg and bend your right knee until it is at a 90 degree angle. Make sure your right knee does not go beyond your toes. Hold in the lunge for a slow count of 10. Come up for a few seconds and then repeat. 5-10 times then switch sides. (Try not to use too much of your left foot...a little is okay of course.)

Now, go to the other side of the chair. Put your hands on the back of the chair and move your body back so that you make an L with your body, your arms and back are straight and you are looking down at the floor. (Your abs are engaged and keeping your back from arching.) Put your weight on your left leg and lift your right leg about an inch off the ground. Keeping your hips level, slowly extend your right leg until it it parallel with your back. Slowly release back down (DO NOT PUT IT ON THE GROUND THOUGH!) and then extend back again. Do this 20 times, tightening your bum on the way up and releasing on the way down remembering to keep your back and arms and neck all in a line. Switch legs and do 20 times on that side too.

Yay! That's it! You are done.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Ok, today's abs will be a little different.

Standing straight, tighten your abs as tight as you can. Imagine you are drawing everything in toward your belly button and your sides are squeezing in like a corset. Hold this, while continuing to breathe (try to get a little tighter with each exhale), for 10 seconds, then let go. Take a breath and repeat. One full minute. (Do it in front of a mirror if that helps.)

Get down and do 16-20 crunches of your choice. Then repeat the first exercise.

3-5 sets.

Make it count!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Animal Arms

Don't hate me for this one but you are going to feel silly....

Walking in place, bring your elbows to shoulder level, hands tucked into your armpits (like you are doing the chicken dance!) Slowly uncurl arms out to either side, squeezing triceps and then bring them back under your pits. Do this in a smooth controlled movement for ONE FULL MINUTE! (Use light weights if you must but you will feel this even without them.)

Shake out arms and let them hang at either side of your body. Still walking in place bring elbows up to shoulder level and hands into armpits and then slowly back down (kind of like a monkey!) Do this for one minute.

Shake out your arms and let's flap our wings! Do one full minute of jumping jack arms, slow and controlled.

Repeat each exercise 2-4 times and then top off with as many push-ups as you can do.

Let's show 'em you're a tiger! Hee hee...


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Legs: More of the Same!

No change in Washington today; this is just more of the same! Good luck!

If you have a child who can get on your back, get them in piggy back position. (Otherwise consider yourself lucky and do without!) Spread your feet hip width apart. Squat down slowly. Come back up slowly. Go up on your toes and back down. Squat to calf raises, one full minute.

Try to do this 5 times. (You can do it at different points throughout the day or all at once...)

Make it count! (You'll feel it tomorrow!)

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Who's your abba?

Let's get to work on those abs today.

Straight Leg Scissors: Start by laying flat on the ground. Bring lets straight up in the air. Flex feet toward your head, lift head, shoulders and arms off the ground engaging your abs. Keep arms straight and still on either side of your body (off the ground), bring right leg straight down keeping abs tight, then left leg goes straight down as right leg comes back up. Be slow and controlled. One FULL minute!

Rest for 30 seconds and do it again. 4-5 sets.

Make it count!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Arm-Me wife!

Hear me ROAR! (Arms today, obviously...)

Walking in place, hold your arms down, squeezing your upper arms slightly against your body. Bring both fists up, squeezing your biceps at the top and then lower. This should be a fairly fast movement. Do 1 full minute.

Go directly into punching bag arms: Bring fists up, one in front of the other, elbows at shoulder height. Circle your fists around each other as fast as you can, circle them 30 seconds one way and then 30 seconds the other way.

Go directly into 1 minute of upper cuts. Try to bring fist close to ear each time (right fist, right ear) without knocking yourself out! These should be quick, but not so fast that you miss out on squeezing your bicep at the top.

Now, shake those arms out and repeat: 2-4 times.

Make it count!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Next Stop: Leg Avenue

Today, we are aiming for lingerie worthy legs!

Stand with feet slightly farther than shoulder width apart, toes pointed forward, hands on waist. Squat straight down, hold for a second. Come up bringing your right leg off the ground and straight out to the side (as far as you can go while still standing straight up and down). Bring leg back down and go straight back into a squat, hold a second and then come up bringing left leg straight out to the side. Repeat this for a minute, one leg than the other.

Shake your legs out and then do as many calf raises as you can in one minute.

Repeat 3-5 sets.

Make it count!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Day of Stretch (plus abs...)

Ok, today we are going to be kind to ourselves and stretch those muscles we have been working so hard on! BUT FIRST, let's do some abs!

Laying on your back, legs straight up in the air, cross your ankles and point your toes (think ballerina!) Now, lift your hand up toward your feet, tightening abs and lifting shoulders and head off the floor. Now, very quickly (but controlled) uncross feet and cross the other way...(right over left, then left over right) keeping toes pointed. At the same time, pulse those arms up toward your feet. Do 30-45 seconds.

Fully stretch your body out on the floor, arms and legs going in opposite directions. Then repeat ab exercise. 2-3 times.

Now, take some time to really stretch those muscles...remember to breathe deeply and give yourself a pat on the back...you've been working hard!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Bum Bum Bum Buuuuuuuuuuum....

Let's change it up a bit and work on our bums!

Standing in front of a chair (in case you need help with balance) with your feet about shoulder width apart, bend your knees slightly (so you look like a downhill skier!) Try to keep abs engaged and back straight, knees don't go past toes. Now, put your weight on your left leg, point your right toe out to the side and bring your right foot so that the instep is behind your left heel, foot hovering above the ground about an inch, (right knee is bent out to the side). Flex your right glute to lift the leg up and back. Don't arch your back but bring your leg far enough to feel the bum really tighten. Lower down to left heel, without touching ground. Repeat for one full minute. (The less you use the chair for balance, the more you work your left leg as well.)

Switch sides.

Repeat 3-5 times.

Make it count!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Arm Alarm

Ok, arms. Ever read the book, "Are you there God, it's Me Margaret?" It was a great book for the pre-teen girl about a girl who wasn't developing breasts fast enough (shoot: Are you there God, it's me Karen?!) Today's exercise is reminiscent of that book....

Standing with legs apart and arms out to the side, bend your elbows to 90 degree angles and bring arms together, almost to touching, and then back out, keeping the bend in your elbow. Really work on stretching out the chest on the way back out too. (You can use light weights, or grocery products, for resistance if you need to.) Do one full minute, remembering not to let momentum carry you. (This is about 30-50 reps.)

Now, bring arms straight down to side, palms facing forward. Squat partially down (not a full squat!) and lean forward slightly. Squeeze your shoulder blades together so that your arms are back behind you a bit. Squeeze your triceps. Keeping your upper arm still and tight against your body, curl your arms so that your hands come to your shoulders then take them back behind you again, squeezing those triceps. Do one full minute! (Again, use light weights if you feel the need.)

Repeat both exercise 3-4 times.

Make it count!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ab Fest

It's Ab Day, like it or not!

Today we are taking it slow and easy since some Olympians are still recovering from the recent stomach bug!

Lay on your back, hug knees to chest. Keep right leg hugged to your body, slowly extend left leg straight out and down to about an inch over the ground . Hold for a count of ten before slowly switching legs. Hug left knee to chest, straightening our right leg to one inch above ground, hold for another count of 10. Do 16-20.

Stretch body out. Now, legs are straight, laying flat on the ground. Bring your left foot to the inside of your right thigh (like you are doing tree pose laying down for those of you yogis out there). Bring your head and shoulders off the ground, keeping abs tight, hands hovering above your legs. Pulse hands for a count of 50, switch legs around and pulse another 50.


Repeat those two exercises 3-5 times.

Make it count!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Armed and Ready

I apparently missed posting yesterdays arm work-out. Here it is for those of you who were scratching your heads, wondering what on earth to do. ;)

Today we are going to do 3 push-ups. (Yes, you read that right.)

Get into push up position (plank pose), NOT ON YOUR KNEES. Hand should be under shoulders, arms straight, legs together, abs tight. Hold it for 30 seconds.

Slowly lower yourself down to about 1 inch off the ground. Hold it for 30 seconds.

Release, all the way to the ground. Get up, do 50 jumping jack arms (my favorite).

Now, repeat until you have done it 3 times. If you need more, do as many regular push-ups as you can afterwards.

Make it count!

Yoga Squats

These are some squats (courtesy of my yoga teaching friend). Try to do 3-5 sets.

Start with legs hip width or wider apart, keep feet in line with knees so feet are probably pointing slightly outwards as you squat down and arms comfortable at your sides.

This is how you do these yoga squats:

1. Inhale arms out to the sides and overhead, bring palms together, fingers pointing upwards.
2. Exhale, squat down as you slide the arms down so that hands are in front of chest, keeping palms together (you should be in your squat at the end of your exhale).***
3. Inhale, stand back up with arms overhead (if needed you can place the hands on the ground to help push up).
4. Continue, inhaling and exhaling, up and down, do at least 15.

***Note: you can add a kegal squeeze while you're in the squat, so I would stay in the squat, take a breath while you do a kegal exercise, then continue from #1 again, coming up on the inhale.

Make it count!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Abbey Road

Abs and core work. Let's go!

Get on your back, knees bent and together. Arms should be laying on ground down next to you. Lift shoulders and head off the ground by tightening ab muscles. Try to keep chin to chest so your neck doesn't stress too much. Lift your hands slightly off the ground. Very SLOWLY pick toes off the ground and roll your knees in SLOWLY toward your chest. SLOWLY roll toes back down, barely touching ground. Repeat...make it slow and make it count. Do 16 reps. (This won't feel like too much but it will work your abs and core!)

Turn over onto your right side. Lay your head on your right arm. Bend your knees so that you look like you could be sitting in a chair (only you are laying on your side...) Straighten your left arm, over your legs and lift head and right shoulder slightly up. Pulse your left arm over your legs, tightening the side of your body. Again, this is a very slight, tiny movement but it will work you! Do 16-20 reps. Relax down. Now do the same movement but with your left leg straightened out, hovering above the ground.

Switch sides.

Repeat all 3 exercises 2-3 times.

Make it count!!!

"Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl,
but she doesn't have a lot to say
Her Majesty's a pretty nice girl
but she changes from day to day"
(From "Her Majesty" on the Beatles album Abbey Road)

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Emergency Legsit Only

OK, legs. Here we go.

Standing straight, chair in front of you in case you need balance support, put you weight on your left leg and raise you right foot off the ground one inch. Lift right leg out sideways as far as you can go without slouching body to the side, keeping bum and abs tight. Lower down. Do 30-50 reps without putting foot on the ground. (You will feel a lot of this in your standing leg as well!)

Shake legs out, switch sides.

Shake legs out. Now, spread your feet about 3 inches past shoulder width apart. Turn toes out, as if you were a ballerina. Squat down keeping bum turned under. Place hands either lightly on your knees or hold them out front (again, think ballerina). Stay in the squat position for 1 MINUTE! Carefully stand back up and stretch your legs.

Repeat the above 2-3 times.

Yay! You did it!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Variation on Plank (Abs+)

Today we will do abs via variations on Plank Pose.

To do Plank Pose, lay on tummy. Bring yourself to your forearms, feet turned under so that your body is off of the ground, abs tight, hold for one minute.

Relax in child's pose. (Get yourself into a ball on the floor, legs under you, head down.)

Now, go to Plank again. This time, lift your right foot off the ground about 2 inches. Slowly move leg out to the right and back in. Repeat, out and in, keeping abs tight, one minute.

Child's pose.

Plank pose, left leg up off the ground. Move out and in, one minute.

Repeat all three exercises as many times as you can.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Look Ma! No Legs!

Today we are doing jumps.

Stand with your feet together, arms out in front of you. Squat down to seated position. Jump up, point toes in air. ON the way down, spread legs so you land with your feet slightly farther than shoulder width, feet pointing forward and come all the way down into a squat. Immediately jump from there back to starting position. Jump back and forth like this 16-20 jumps.

Rest for a minute and repeat 3-5 times.

That's it! Make it count!

Monday, September 8, 2008

Fab Abs

On to our tummies today!

Ok, here's a standing movement. Stand next to a counter top. Place right hand on counter for balance support. Put left hand behind head as you would for crunches. Put all your weight on left foot, pick right foot off ground slightly. Now, tighten abs and crunch your body together bringing right knee up to left elbow. Keep abs tight even as you lower leg all the way to an inch above the ground. Do this for one full minute and then immediately switch sides for another full minute. (Try some slow and some fast to see what seems to work best for you and stick to that!)

Now get down and do 50 crunches however you like to do them most.

Repeat above exercises 2-5 times (however much your time and kids allow.)

Make it count everyone!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Stay out of ARMS way!

We are on Arms. A little birdy mentioned we need to do some biceps. Grab some light, light weights (or your can of Ravioli!) and let's go!

Standing with feet about hip width apart, knees slightly bent, raise arms straight out to the side, palms up, holding weights. Keeping elbows at shoulder level, curl weights slowly all the way to shoulders and back down. Try to keep elbows even with shoulders and don't let momentum move your arms...go fairly slow both down and up. Repeat for one full minute.

Put weight/can down and shake out arms.

Bring arms back up, no weights, and do a minute of forward punches (uppercut style where you would be hitting someone under their chin.)

Repeat both exercises 3-5 times.

Make it count you guys!

Friday, September 5, 2008


Thank God It's Ab-day!

Sit down on the ground with your knees bent. Lean back so that you are resting on your forearms, knees still bent. Tighten your abs and bring left knee to chest. Keeping abs tight, stretch right leg out so that it is straight and foot is about an inch off the ground. Now, do bicycle legs just like this. (Right knee to chest as left foot extends out straight and then back to start position.) Make sure to keep abs tight at all times. Try to do a full minute but at least aim for 20-30 (60 if you are in good shape!)

Now, stretch your entire body out on the ground, arms overhead, legs straight out. Pull your knees to your chest and feel the tension release out of your lower back.

Laying on your back still in a neutral position, extend your arms over your head so that they are touching your ears and in a dive position. Bend your left knee, keeping foot on ground. Bring your right leg straight up as tighten abs and bring your arms and head up to meet your foot. Relax back down, keeping foot off of ground. Do 10-20 crunches on each side.

Repeat the two different exercises until your abs scream STOP! (Unless they are just lazy and then push them until they pass out!)


Thursday, September 4, 2008

Leg, oh my Leg, oh!

Today we are on Legs! (Are you ready?!)

Stand behind a chair or sofa, FEET TOGETHER. Lightly place hands on chair back. Squat down as if sitting, careful to keep knees right over toes, but don't let knees go beyond toes. Push back up. Do this as fast as you can for one minute (40-60 squats)

Now, stand with feet about two inches farther than shoulder width. Bend knees slightly. Curl right leg behind you so that your foot touches your right bum cheek. Step down and curl left leg up, making sure to keep slight bend in both knees. Do this as fast as you can for a minute...really move it! You can go faster than you think! (60-100 curls!)

Repeat the two exercises 3-5 times!

Make it count!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Push-Up Trio with a Twist

Today we are going to work our arms for 5 minutes. Ready?

Find a wall. Stand about 3 feet in front of it. Place hands against wall, shoulder width apart. Extend right leg behind you, pointing toe and squeezing your bum muscles. Do as many wall-push ups as you can (stopping at one minute.)

Relax with 20 jumping jacks.

Find a sturdy chair, (countertop, side of tub, car bumper or other such object) and do as many push-ups as you can with your right leg extended up and off the ground.

20 jumping jacks.

Now do as many regular push-ups on the floor as you can with your right leg extended off the ground (you can still be on left knee for a modified push-up.)

20 Jumping Jacks.

Repeat all of the above with the left leg extended instead until you can go no more!

Note: Make sure to keep abs tight for this so that you don't arch your back.

Make it count everyone!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Absent Abs? Try these!

Abs today....good luck!

Lay flat on your back. Bend right knee, keeping foot flat on floor. Lift left leg 2-3 inches off the ground. (Be sure to tuck your bum under and keep your back flat against the floor.) Tightening your abs, bring your head and shoulders off the ground with arms out in front of you, one on either side of bent knee. You are going to pulse your abs in tiny crunches so that arms move slightly forward and back with each pulse. Remember to keep your left leg off the ground. Do 1 minute (about 100 pulses.)

Stretch body out in either direction. Change sides (left knee bent, right foot off ground.) Do 1 minute or 100 pulses.

Do 2-3 sets. You should feel this...

YAY! Good Job!!!