Sunday, August 31, 2008


We are on Legs today.

Pick a child, most likely your lightest one (or you can use ankle weights or a bag of potatoes...I am using Liam, weighing in around 15 or so pounds although usually I would go with Lily at 28 lbs)

Laying on your back, bring your knees in the air, feet down. Have child lay against shins. Bring your feet up to a 90 degree angle, keeping child centered on legs and then back down (feet do not touch ground.) Be slow and deliberate; do not use momentum. Do 15-30 reps.

Now set child aside. Lay on your right side and bring legs to a 90 degree angle so your body makes an L shape on the floor. (Legs are straight out and feet are flexed. You can lay head on arm if you like.) Raise Left leg, up and slowly down, 10-20 times. Change sides.

Repeat above exercises 3-5 times.

Yay! You did it, again! Good work!

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