Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Absolutely Abs!

It's Abs day again: Here we go!

Start in standing position. Arms up so that elbows stick out at shoulder height and hands are touching neck slightly. Bring right knee up towards left elbow, crunching body in on the way up. Try to get knee above belly button to really work abs. Un-crunch yourself, bringing leg down so that toe taps ground and then crunch back up. Repeat this movement 40 times. Switch legs.

Lay down on the ground. Do bicycle crunches: Lift head off the ground, gently supporting neck with hands, bring right knee to chest while you extend left leg out (keep leg off ground). Slightly lean left elbow to right knee before switching sides. Do these for one minute. (And if you have a baby-scarred belly like me, feel free to close your eyes and imagine your tummy as it was pre-kids!)

Jump back up and repeat both exercises. (3 sets each.)


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