Tuesday, August 19, 2008


Standing to the side of a box (or any stable object that's 6 to 12 inches high, like a stool or something) place the foot closest to the box on top of the box. Use the leg on the box to raise the body until the weighted leg is extended, then lower to almost starting position WITHOUT TOUCHING GROUND. Perform 10 reps on each leg.

Now stand in front of a chair so that you can put left leg back, top of foot resting on chair. Squat down on right leg, keeping knee in line with toes. Push back up. Repeat 10 times and switch legs.

Now, repeat both exercises but quicker.

Repeat again VERY VERY SLOWLY. (If you need more of a workout, do both exercises until you can't feel your lower body, hee hee hee....)

Make it count!

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