Monday, August 25, 2008


Get down on all fours (in crawling position). Lift right leg straight up, keeping back straight and abs tight, lower leg slowly to ground, gently tap foot and bring back up. Repeat for 1 minute. Switch legs.

Rest for 30 seconds in child's pose (sitting on knees, bring head to ground, hands either stretched out on floor in front or behind you.)

Get back on all fours. Lift right leg straight up. Tighten abs and bum as you curl foot towards your back (working the hamstring.) Do 1 minute of VERY DELIBERATE AND SLOW curls. Switch legs.

Rest in child's pose.

Get back on all fours. Lift right leg straight back. Tap toe on ground and this time bring knee to chest, kick leg back out then tap toe again and repeat. (Toe tap, knee to chest, leg back out, toe tap etc...) These are quick motions but make sure to keep abs tight and don't arch back. 1 minute per leg.

If you need more challenge, repeat the above 3 exercises back to back 3-5 times!

YAY! You did it! GREAT JOB!

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