Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Windmill Lunges and Ski Jumps

Here are 2 exercises I found as part of an online Boot Camp Workout. Click here to see the entire workout; it's pretty good!

Side Lunge with Windmill Arms
Stand with legs wide, arms straight out to the sides and parallel to the floor. Bend the right knee into a side lunge and bring the left arm down towards the foot. Repeat on the other side, lunging from side to side and bringing opposite arm towards foot. The faster you go and the lower you lunge, the harder it is. Repeat for 16 reps on each side.

Ski Jumps
Stand with feet together. Jump to the right several feet, keeping knees bent and landing in a squat. Jump back to the left and continue jumping from side to side (place a book or pillow on the floor to jump over for added challenge) for 16 or more reps.

Repeat these two until the 5 minutes are up.

Make it count!

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