Thursday, October 9, 2008

Better Late than Saggy!

Ok, I know it is almost 8 p.m. but I really have struggled getting to this workout today SOOOOO, here is today's AND tomorrow's workouts. You can do them both tomorrow. YAY! Double the fun!

Arms: Grab a milk jug if you have one, or some weights will do, hee hee. Hold the weight in your right hand. Step your left leg forward into a semi-lunge, left arm rests on your leg. Now do very slow tricep curls with your right arm: lift elbow back in line with shoulder and keeping it still curl your arm under slowly, and then back out, slowly. Do this for a minute OR use heavier weights (think full milk jug) and do as many as you can. Switch sides.

Now do as many wall push-ups as you can. Go until truly fatigued.

Abs: Lay on your back, legs in the air. Bring your legs to each side slightly (like a V). Bring arms between legs and crunch up. While you release, bring legs together and arms on the outside to crunch up. During the release, bring legs back to the side while you crunch in the middle, etc. One minute total.

Finally, do VERY SLOW bicycle legs, bringing legs as close to the ground as possible without actually touching. One full minute.

Now repeat it all until you are satisfied!


(sorry again for the late workout....darn those kids!)

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