Monday, October 13, 2008

Out of the AByss

Here are four strong exercises. Repeat them all in a row until your abs are feeling groovy, hee hee....

First, lay on your back, right knee bent, foot on floor. Put left ankle over right knee and bring right knee forward slightly (lifting that foot off the floor.) Now, left hand goes on your waist and right hand behind your head. You are crunching your right elbow to left knee. 20 crunches then switch sides for another 20.

Now, right foot back down (knee still bent) and bring your left leg straight up and grab your toes with your left hand. Reach your right arm in between the left leg and arm and pulse forward at the diagonal 20 times. Switch sides for another 20.

Still laying on your back, bring both feet straight into the air. Let head and shoulders stay on ground while you slowly bring one leg down at a time, holding for a second right above the ground and then back up slowly. Alternate legs, 20 times.

Finally, both legs straight in the air, reach both hands toward feet and crunch straight up, bringing upper body off the ground and back down. 10-20 times.

Yay, you did it!

Challenge: Throughout the day, tighten your abs as tight as you can, taking about 10 breaths, getting tighter with each exhale. Do this whenever you think about it.

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