Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Legs, legs, legs!

Ok, here is an interesting one.

Standing with back next to a wall (not touching it) place fingertips gently on wall for balance. Raise your right leg straight out in front of you, trying to get it at a 90 degree angle. Keep fingertips on wall only if you need it. Hold for as long as you can. Release. Switch legs.

Now, raise right leg sideways, toes keep pointing forward. Hold at the top for a count of 5 then SLOWLY bring down (but don't touch ground.) Back up, count for 5, then slowly back down. Do as many as you can keeping in mind you have to do the same number on the other side! :-)

If you don't feel the burn, repeat both exercises again (and again and again). :-)

Make it count!

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