Thursday, October 2, 2008

Oh My! It's up to my thigh!

Standing close to a chair or counter, just in case you need balance, lift your right foot off the ground. While you squat down on your left leg, slowly reach your right foot back behind you while you reach both your right arm out in front of you. Keep your left hand on your left thigh for balance help. You are trying to get your left leg to bend as close to 90 degrees as you can (without knee going over toes of course.) Straighten back up, bringing arm in and right knee forward but not letting toes touch the ground. Do one full minute then switch sides and do another full minute.

No do one minute of SLOW squats: Legs shoulder width apart, feet facing forward, baby held out front (hee hee...only if you have to!) Slowly, slowly squat down to sitting position, hold a second and then go all the way into a squatting position (think: I have to pee in the forest...) Now slowly push back to sitting, hold, and then all the way back up. (If you have bad knees, do not go all the way into squatting...)

Repeat all of the above to your heart's content!

Yay! You did it!

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