Saturday, January 17, 2009

An excellent work-out goal

A good friend of mine and I have been doing this for a month or so now. It is awesome and if you want a challenging goal with a terrifically organized work-out plan, here it is: One Hundred Push-ups

This site has a 6 week plan to meet the goal of performing 100 straight push-ups. Never fear if you can't do more than one or two right now. You may have to spend a little more than 6 weeks but you will be totally amazed at how much stronger you are in just a few short sessions. I am up to 46 straight push-ups now and that to me is just crazy talk!

Good luck!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Super Saturday II

Get ready, get set, GO!

Here's a quick full body workout for your weekend energizer!

Start with 50 jumping jacks. Stay on your toes and don't use momentum for your arms to really make them count!

Do 10 push-ups each against a wall, counter, and then floor.

10 squat jumps (All the way down and then high in the air pointing those calves!)

10 tricep dips.

50 Windmills w/squat. (Do windmills but going into a squat each time.)

20 single leg lunges: These are the lunges you do standing in front of a chair with one leg back on the chair.

End with The 100 (Lay on back, legs up off ground, head and shoulders up, arms pulse for 100...)

Repeat 3 times and then enjoy your weekend!

Ok, now seriously, I am doing some blogging back next week.

Friday, October 24, 2008

Taking a break

Hi everyone,

I have to take a break for a little while so I can try to figure some stuff out on Blogger with archiving (and b/c I need a break from writing here....)

I should be back on in a week but there is plenty in the archives to keep you huffing and puffing while I am gone. :-)


Monday, October 20, 2008

Do-It Yourself ABS

Anti-locking Brake Systems unlock your breaks by pumping them...some ABS cause break pedals to pulse.

We can do that ourselves! Yay!

Do one minute of each exercise:

1. The 100 (On back, legs out at 45 degree angle, head and shoulders up off ground, pulse hands 100 times next to legs.)

2. Standing with feet about shoulder width apart and keeping arms behind head you are going to bring your right knee and right elbow together (crunching your abs) 20 times. (Make sure you never put too much weight on right foot when it comes down...just toe will touch ground each time.) Go straight into right elbow to left knee for 20. Then do left elbow to left knee for 20 and left elbow to right knee for 20 reps. When you are doing opposite arm and leg, bring toes slightly back and out a little farther to increase the effort.)

3. Butterfly crunches: Laying on your back, bring your legs up and soles of feet together (like a butterfly stretch). Lift your head and shoulders off the ground so you are looking through your legs. Put arms through the butterfly stretch and as you are pulsing your arms and upper body forward, pulse your legs toward you just slightly. Do this for a minute.

4. Still laying on your back, bring both feet straight into the air. Let head and shoulders stay on ground while you slowly bring one leg down at a time, holding for a second right above the ground and then back up slowly. Alternate legs, 20 times.

5. Straight crunches: Laying on back, feet on the ground, knees bent, arms behind your head (or crossed over your chest) crunch up and down slowly. Do as many as you can for the last minute. Really focus on tightening those abs!

Friday, October 17, 2008

Super Saturday!

Get ready, get set, GO!

Here's a quick full body workout for your weekend energizer!

Start with 50 jumping jacks (yes, full jumping jacks, arms and legs both!) Stay on your toes and don't use momentum for your arms to really make them count!

Do 10 push-ups each against a wall, counter, and then floor.

10 slow squats: hold the squat low for a count of 5 each time.

10 tricep dips.

10 squat jumps (All the way down and then high in the air pointing those calves!)

Repeat 3 times and then enjoy your weekend!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Early Abs

Good morning. I am on time today! Yay!

We are going to do some ab hip thrusts. Look at this video to see how.

Now, go do 20 or so and see how that goes.

Now stretch and do the 100: Lay on your back and bring your knees to your chest. Hug them tight, releasing any tension in your lower back. Take 10-20 seconds to really breathe deep breaths. Release your arms and legs so that your feet are on the ground, knees bent, arms flat on ground at either side of your body.

Now, lift your arms off the ground, fingertips together and straight out, letting the energy flow from them. Tightening your abs, bring your head and shoulders off the ground. Begin to pulse your hands up and down (as if you are saying Hi, about 2-3 inch movements) and count 100 pulses. (Keep abs tight the entire time.)

Repeat both exercises 3-5 times.

Yay! You did it!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Legs, legs, legs!

Ok, here is an interesting one.

Standing with back next to a wall (not touching it) place fingertips gently on wall for balance. Raise your right leg straight out in front of you, trying to get it at a 90 degree angle. Keep fingertips on wall only if you need it. Hold for as long as you can. Release. Switch legs.

Now, raise right leg sideways, toes keep pointing forward. Hold at the top for a count of 5 then SLOWLY bring down (but don't touch ground.) Back up, count for 5, then slowly back down. Do as many as you can keeping in mind you have to do the same number on the other side! :-)

If you don't feel the burn, repeat both exercises again (and again and again). :-)

Make it count!